In Mississippi's capital, once dubbed "America's Deadliest City," a new initiative in Jackson seeks to turn the tide on violence through collaboration and a public health approach. The Office of Violence Prevention and Trauma Recovery was introduced in 2022 as a response to surging crime rates, with Jackson recording 156 homicides in 2021.
Keisha Coleman, executive director of the Office of Violence Prevention and Trauma Recovery, is using her 25 years of experience in violence prevention and intervention to help the office take a broader approach, rather than focusing solely on traditional policing.
"The main goal was to change the narrative of public safety to let people know that it's not just about policing and prosecution, but it's also about community engagement, community strengthening and rebuilding the community through a lens of public health," she said.
The office is relatively new and plans to ramp up rapidly. It emphasizes a "Community Violence Intervention Ecosystem," bringing together organizations that tackle mental health, substance abuse, workforce development and re-entry programs.
The office is also forming partnerships with Jackson Public Schools and Child Protective Services to address the needs of children in state custody who are at higher risk of involvement with the justice system. Coleman said these collaborations aim to close systemic gaps and create a more supportive environment for youth.
"We can't just say, hey, you know, that's a bad idea, don't shoot," she explained. "Take the gun, but leave them with no other options no other services, no other resources. So the office of violence prevention wants to make sure that there are services for individuals who are likely to shoot guns or be victims of gun shootings."
One of the office's most promising partnerships is with the University of Mississippi Medical Center, the state's only Level 1 trauma hospital. Together, they are developing a hospital-based intervention program. According to Coleman, the medical center will fund community-based case management for gunshot victims and their families, helping them transition from trauma care to resources that address the root causes of violence.