HELENA -- The referees selected to officiate the Montana High School Association state championship football games this weekend have been announced.
The officials selected to work the State AA championship pitting Kalispell Glacier at Helena Capital on Friday at 7 p.m. are: Joe Potoczny, Great Falls; Rod DeBruycker, Fort Benton; Pat Ryan, Great Falls; Pat Armstrong, Heart Butte; and Ben Jacques, Great Falls. The alternate is Don Olson of Fort Shaw.
The officials selected to work the State A title game of Laurel at Billings Central at Herb Klindt Field on Saturday at 1 p.m. are: Kevin Bethke, Bozeman; Travis Huntsinger, Bozeman; Dennis Elgas, Manhattan; Chris Duncan, Belgrade; and Wynn Krauss, Bozeman. The alternate is Ryan Schmidt.
2024 Montana high school football playoff brackets
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The officials selected to work the State B championship game of Manhattan at Malta on Saturday at 1 p.m. are: Dave Peterson, Havre; Eli Salapich, Havre; Jeremy Couch, Havre; James Duval, Havre; and Patch Wirtzberger, Havre. The alternate is Matt Kretchmer of Havre.
The officials selected to work the 8-Man state championship game of Belt at Fairview on Saturday at 1 p.m. are: Conrad Moline, Brockway; Ty Graves, Sidney; Gary Sinks, Sidney; Tanner Schillinger, Terry; and Dean Nelson, Homestead. The alternate is Eric Peterson of Wolf Point.
The officials selected to work the 6-Man state championship game of Box Elder at Bridger on Saturday at 1 p.m. are: Dana Bishop, Billings; Jeff Hereim, Billings; Cameron Bjornstad, Billings; Pat Scott, Billings and Corby Freitag, Billings. The alternate is Art Logan of Billings.
According to the MHSA, the hiring of football officials for the postseason playoffs is a collaborative effort between the Montana Officials Association office and each of the 11 MOA regions. Coaches do not vote on these officials, but towards the end of the season, the MOA local pools verify availability and rank each official in their area. When the playoffs begin, the MOA office determines geographically which football officiating pool would be appropriate to cover each round of the playoffs. Then the MOA office receives recommendations from the MOA Regional Director or his designee about crew assignments for each game. After all of this input is gathered and evaluated, the MOA office assigns the most qualified and available officiating crews for all five of the levels of football games in Montana.
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