Still, the fear has been instilled in the masses for decades, that if you don't get all the CDC-recommended stabs, you're almost sure to die from an infectious disease. In other words, it's all fear-based medicine, without the science to back it up. Ever since the polio vaccine was invented, people believed that if you caught polio, the chances were very high you would end up crippled for life, but that was a massive propaganda campaign.
#1. There's no real science proving they are safe or effective, so in reality, vaccines are just faith-based medicine for people who trust Big Pharma with their health and lives.
#2. Bill Gates, one of the most insidious billionaires on the planet, pushes them heavily and is being sued right now for promoting lies and propaganda about mRNA Covid jabs.
#3. The risk far outweighs the benefit, if any, especially with the mRNA gene-therapy injections, as millions of spike protein prions clog the vascular system, straining the heart, driving chronic inflammation, and polluting vital cleansing organs.
#4. Vaccines contain neurotoxins that can travel into the brain by crossing the blood-brain barrier, thanks to adjuvants like aluminum and preservatives like mercury (check the multi-dose flu stabs).
#5. Ever since the 1990s, when the CDC more than tripled how many vaccines are "recommended" on the childhood vaccine schedule, autism rates have skyrocketed from 1 in 10,000 kids to 1 in every 54 kids by age 8, according to a CDC press release.
#6. Toxin-laced vaccines shock the immune system unnaturally by bypassing the body's normal filters, including the skin, lungs and digestive tract. This can cause autoimmune disorders, permanent CNS damage, and irreversible brain damage.
#7. Vaccines, much like antibiotics, are known to decimate good gut bacteria, including bifidobacteria, that makes up 90% of your flora, which means vaccines do the opposite of what everyone is told, as they wreck your immune function instead of boosting it (some vaccines even contain antibiotics).
#8. Vaccines are known to spread disease, rather than prevent it, so the whole "herd theory" flies out the window, as the vaccinated masses get each other sick by a well-researched process called "shedding" (note: this is not a conspiracy theory).
#9. The Vaccine Industrial Complex, with its key mouthpiece being the CDC, has been caught flat-out lying about the Covid jabs, saying they would prevent contraction of Covid, stop transmission and the vaccinated, if they did get sick, would get a minor case.
#10. Nearly all infectious diseases were already phasing out and almost non-existent when vaccines were first invented and credited with saving millions of lives, because plumbing and good hygiene, especially in doctor's offices, clinics and hospitals, saw massive improvements.
The vaccine manufacturers may be enjoying their complete "immunity" to being sued for the vaccine violence caused by their products, but Mr. Microsoft himself, Bill "Genocide" Gates, isn't so fortunate. He will face trial at a Dutch court on charges that he misled the public about the safety of Covid-19 vaccines.
According to a Dutch newspaper, De Telegraaf, Gates is one of the self-proclaimed "experts" who said the vaccines would stop transmission of the virus, that the vaccinated would not get sick, and that they would not die from Covid. The plaintiffs said they were deceived into getting these dangerous, experimental injections and that the consequences have been devastating, including physical and mental injuries that have plagued them ever since getting injected. One thing is for sure, they are not alone in this world. Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental gene therapy injections that lead to turbo cancer and Long-Vax-Syndrome.