Travelers To This Popular Destination Given Warning After Tour Deaths Spark Safety Concerns

By Cristina Miceli

Travelers To This Popular Destination Given Warning After Tour Deaths Spark Safety Concerns

Most tourists heading to Egypt do so to visit ancient sites, such as the Pyramids of Giza or the Valley of the Kings. In fact, new archaeological discoveries seem to be made daily in this country! Did you know that a team of archaeologists in Luxor recently discovered 1,500 rock-cut tombs and other valuable artifacts? Plus, last year, ancient mummies adorned with gold tongs and nails were also found in the ancient city of Oxyrhynchus.

However, not all visitors choosing Egypt for their vacation are interested in ancient history, and some may simply want to make the most of the country's beautiful beaches. Unfortunately, these types of trips don't always have a happy ending. This is why some governments (particularly the UK government most recently) are now giving tourists a travel warning. But what happened exactly?


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Why Are Travelers Heading To Egypt Given a New Warning?

Several tourists in the last months lost their lives on Red Sea tours


Egypt is often considered among the most advanced countries in North Africa, boosting modern infrastructure and relatively high standards of living, especially if compared to its neighbors.

For instance, the country is now building a high-speed rail connecting 60 cities across Egypt. Unfortunately, however, tourists here cannot always rely on high safety measures.

Although the most recent Egypt travel warning for tourists was issued by the UK government, it is also something American and Canadian travelers should take heed of. The UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) recently released a warning for all people heading to Egypt due to recent tourist fatalities in the country.

Chief Inspector of MAIB, Andrew Moll OBE, said:

The MAIB is aware of 16 accidents that have occurred over the last five years involving liveaboard dive vessels operating in the Red Sea. It is deeply regrettable that a number of these accidents have resulted in the loss of life, and our thoughts are with all those affected.

The MAIB Chief Inspector referred to various accidents over the last few years. Still, one in particular likely pushed the MAIB to release this new travel warning.

At the end of November 2024, a boat sank near the Egyptian coast, and 16 people went missing, including British nationals. More recently, an Italian tourist died in a shark attack off Egypt's Red Sea coastline, while another was severely injured.

Andrew Moll continued by stating that Egyptian vessels are unlikely to be built, maintained, equipped, and operated following the high standards enforced by the UK government, meaning that tourists should be extra cautious when booking a tour.

While visitors heading to Egypt can find professional options for their tours, not all of these guarantee adequate levels of safety.


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The U.S. Government Urges Tourists To Reconsider Traveling To Egypt

The U.S. government advises its citizens to avoid this country due to the risk of terrorist attacks


The U.S. government also warns tourists to reconsider their trip to Egypt due to the high terrorism risk. In particular, the government specifies that specific areas must be avoided at all costs.

Egyptian areas to be avoided due to increased terrorism risk

The Northern and Middle Sinai Peninsula

The Western Desert

Egyptian border areas

The U.S. Department of State's official website states:

While Egyptian authorities largely conduct effective security oversight, terrorists may attack with little or no warning and have targeted diplomatic facilities, tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, western businesses, restaurants, resorts, and local government facilities. Terrorists have conducted attacks in urban areas, including in Cairo, despite the heavy security presence. Terrorists have targeted religious sites to include mosques, churches, monasteries, and buses traveling to these locations.

The U.S. government also warns tourists from joining anti-government protests. Local law prohibits all sorts of demonstrations without a valid permit, and in the past, U.S. citizens have been detained for participating in these and posting content on social media.


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How Can U.S. Tourists Traveling To Egypt Stay Safe?

The U.S. government suggests tourists stay up-to-date with local news and avoid protests

A person riding a camel in front of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Ancient Egypt

If you still decide to head to Egypt, the U.S. government advises you to follow specific safety guidelines.

First and foremost, travelers are encouraged to visit the website for Travel to High-Risk Areas to find general tips and advice to prepare themselves for their trip. Tourists are also advised to keep all their travel documents updated and easily accessible and review local laws and news before departure.

Demonstrations and crowds should always be avoided, and visitors should exercise greater caution when visiting areas frequented by Westerners. This is because these places can easily become the target of terrorist attacks or fraudulent actions.

The U.S. government also urges all travelers to purchase insurance that includes medical evacuation and prepare a contingency plan for emergencies.

Lastly, U.S. tourists are advised to enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). This gives visitors access to last-minute alerts while making it easy for the U.S. government to locate someone in an emergency.


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Egypt is, without a doubt, one of the most fascinating countries in the world, thanks to the ancient civilization that inhabited these lands thousands of years ago.

Plenty of mysteries still fascinate the many tourists heading here every year. For instance, Egypt may be home to a lost 'Atlantis,' which remains one of the biggest unsolved mysteries in history. However, tourists heading to this country should remember that traveling to Egypt requires caution and that they must behave accordingly.

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