Throughout her life, Tashana Taitam dreamed of becoming a mother, but when she learned that she was pregnant three years ago, she became depressed.
That's because the 30-year-old suffered from rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a chronic disease that causes inflammation around the body and commonly presents with pain and swelling in the joints and stiffness. RA can make it hard to move and perform daily activities. She was therefore advised by her doctor that not only could she have a difficult pregnancy, but the child could be born with birth defects. This, she said, resulted from the side effects of a medication that she was taking for the disease, which can affect the developing foetus, particularly during the first trimester.
"I was so depressed when I found out that I was pregnant because my doctor had told me not to. I wanted a child but I was afraid of what could happen. Everything looked normal on the ultrasound, but around the time I was supposed to give birth, I had to do a C-section and that was where we found out that his left hand was deformed," Taitam said.
Today, her son, Aiden Minto, is a bubbly two-year-old who puts a smile on the face of anyone he crosses paths with. Like any other toddler, he loves cartoons and he is already showing off his athletic skills in football. Taitam described him as fun-loving and energetic, but Aiden's deformed left arm is noticeably shorter than his right, so his mother is seeking the public's assistance in getting him a prosthetic arm. She admitted that she has no idea how much one will cost but wants the best for Aiden.
"Him is a very quick child and very easy to learn. Him didn't even creep, him just get up and start walk. Him start grow teeth from him little over two months [old] and he started walking at eight months. He is speaking clearly and he is counting and ting," she said. "Aiden is very smart I tell you, [especially] when yuh see him playing football, and him can run fast. I would like for him to get a arm. He is supposed to start school January and even if he doesn't get it in time, I want him to have a normal life."
Taitam, who lives in Annotto Bay, St Mary, works as a bartender to provide for herself and her son. She stated that this has been a struggle as she is in constant pain since she was diagnosed with RA 18 years ago.
"I feel pain every day that God sends but I have to push out for my son because his father is not in the picture. The arthritis makes my fingers bend up and it make mi walk with a limp. It deform my left hand and some of the fingers can't bend. Sometimes it get so bad that I can't walk. I work week on and off, so sometimes food run out but I still try and ensure say Aiden have food," she said.