The Safest Way to Remove Earwax, According to Doctors

The Safest Way to Remove Earwax, According to Doctors

YOU MIGHT HAVE an earache. Things may sound muffled, or your ear might feel full. These are signs you could have earwax buildup.

Earwax usually isn't something to worry about. A certain amount of wax is actually good for your ear, says Mohamed Elrakhawy, M.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.

"Think of it like oil in your car," he says. "You want just the right amount to make sure your ears are healthy and in good condition."

But when your ears feel clogged, they're ringing, or you seem like you can't hear as well as you should, you may have too much wax, which you understandably want to clear out.

But what's the best way to remove earwax? Doctors explain the safest methods and when you should consider seeking medical attention.

CERUMEN -- THE MEDICAL term for earwax -- is formed by glands in the skin of your ear canal, explains Brian D'Anza, M.D., an attending surgeon at the Ear, Nose and Throat Institute at University Hospitals in Cleveland, Ohio.

"It serves a number of functions, including lubrication, collecting old skin, debris, and dust that might get in your ear, and moving it out," he says. Your ear canal naturally moves wax and debris to the outside of your ear canal.

The ear is really "self-cleaning," says Seth Schwartz, M.D., section head for otolaryngology head and neck surgery at Virginia Mason Franciscan Health in Seattle.

And, this is a healthy process, he adds. Earwax has antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can help prevent infection.

"It's important to realize that having some ear wax is actually a good thing," Dr. D'Anza says. "You want it to line or coat your ear canal."

However, some people naturally produce more wax than others, Dr. Schwartz says. This can overwhelm the ear canal's natural mechanisms of pushing out wax and lead to buildup, Dr. Elrakhawy adds.

Other things can interfere with this process, too. Dr. Schwartz says it can be affected by hair growing in the outer ear canal -- which is common in men as they age. Dry skin, an ear infection, and anything that plugs the ear canal, such as a hearing aid or ear plug, can also play a role.

When earwax becomes impacted or trapped, it can cause discomfort, hearing loss, ringing in your ears, dizziness, or a chronic cough, adds Benjamin Hariri, chief resident in the Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery at NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue.

MOST EARWAX IS healthy and doesn't need to be cleaned on a regular basis, Dr. Schwartz says.

However, if you want to clean it, the safest way is to use a damp washcloth to wipe off the outside of the ear -- but don't go any deeper, Dr. D'Anza says.

"The ear canal will normally clean itself, so you just need to remove the debris as it gets to the opening if you find it to be excessive," he adds.

Over-the-counter ear drops, containing the ingredients carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide, could hydrate dry earwax and encourage its natural removal, Dr. Elrakhawy says. However, he notes that they're not always effective. Research also suggests drops are no better than water in helping clear ear wax.

"The wax is typically water-soluble, and when it gets wet, it becomes liquid and can simply be wiped away from the outer ear with a towel or tissue," Dr. Schwartz says.

It's also generally safe to use one to two drops of baby oil or mineral oil in your ear canal once a week to keep your earwax moist and ensure your body's natural ear-cleaning mechanism works well, Dr. D'Anza says.

Avoid using ear drops or other liquid if you have an ear drum perforation or ear tubes or a recent ear surgery, Dr. Hariri says. And stop using them if you notice discomfort, burning, ear draining or discharge, or dizziness.

THE OLD ADAGE, "Don't stick anything smaller than your elbow in your ear," still applies, Dr. D'Anza says.

That means you should never stick a cotton swab in your ear, he emphasizes. Don't put anything else in there, either, like a pencil, paper clip, bobby pin, or sharp object, Dr. Schwartz says.

It can be difficult to know how far you're inserting something into your ear, Dr. Hariri says. This could push wax further into your ear canal, making the problem worse. You also risk damaging the ear canal, ear drum, and the bones of hearing, which may lead to hearing loss.

Another thing doctors say to avoid is ear candling, an alternative medicine treatment that involves placing a lit candle into your ear and letting it burn, which practitioners say will draw out wax, debris, and bacteria.

But, doctors say ear candling can be dangerous. "I have personally removed candle wax from the ear canal that was left behind, as well as seen patients who had burns to the ear," Dr. D'Anza says.

IF YOUR EARS feel clogged, you notice hearing loss, or are just generally concerned about your ears or hearing, see your doctor, Dr. Elrakhawy urges. Earaches, drainage, ringing in your ears or itchy ears are other reasons to see a doctor, Dr. D'Anza adds.

Your doctor may irrigate the ear canal by using a syringe to flush out excess or impacted ear wax, Dr. D'Anza says. They may also refer you to an ear, nose and throat doctor, or ENT, who has specialized microscopes and instruments and tiny suction devices to examine the ear canal and remove wax. "This can help remove the earwax without causing trauma to the ear canal," he says.

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